It's the busy time of the year ... And it doesn't really feel Christmas because the weather is so warm, I don't need my hat or mittens when going to work early in the morning that's ... strange. I love this time of the year but I don't have so much time to enjoy it, I only have three and a half weeks left at my job and I have things to finish. I'm looking for a new job but most likely I'll been unemployed for a little while in January (hopefully not too long). In some ways I wish it was the other way around, that I was unemployed in December when there is so much else to do and that I had a job in January when nothing is happening anyway. Well well ...
In a Norwegian magazine I found some sweet (both in the "eating" and in the "looking at" sense) things to make for Christmas. I tried the "snow dreams" as seen in the photo and brought them to my job. On Friday afternoons we use to have a 30 minutes coffee/tea break in the afternoon and sometimes someone brings something like icecream or a cake.
I guess snow is what I dream of now. I will regret it later, but now I want some snow to get the right December feeling :-)
vad är det där för fina saker? vad är det i dem? hur gör man sånna?
det är marsipan blandat med något alkoholhaltigt slisk och florsocker, rullat till bollar och rullat i vit choklad med citrussmak (lemon/lime) och sedan lite strösseldekoration på :-)
Maria, what's in these yummy looking snow dreams?!!! You know me, I've got a huge sweet tooth!
Hello, Maria! Found you via Sweetpea Jes a while back and have much enjoyed your cheerful blog since. You also have a lovely shop!
I totally share your sentiments of frustration over not having enough light, as I'm close by here in Finland. Just impossible to photograph jewellery or anything and life in general is a bit of a drag in this Mordor-like darkness and rain. We had some snow a month ago but it's all gone. I'd gladly take it back and am hoping for a white December in all of Scandinavia, that's the true christmas feeling! Cheers!
storme> it's marcipan mixed with a bit of icing sugar and a sweet liquer (not sure of spelling), rolled in melted white chocolate with a taste of lemon/lime :-)
lea> thank you for your sweet comment :-) do you have a blog or something? *curious*
i wish us both some snow and some sunshine.
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