I'm back. And I'm sorry I haven't updated here or in the Craft Challenge blog, but a lot of things have happened lately, both the really good ones and the really bad ones. I simply didn't have any leftover energy for blogging :-) Well, I guess that's life ... ;)
Winter is here and this morning is about -8 degrees Celsius. The photos were taken yesterday between two and three in the afternoon.
On Saturday and Sunday I'll be selling my crafts (mostly soap and other bath products) on a christmas fair in Stockholm, Street (http://www.streetinstockholm.se). I will share my table with Imoku (http://www.imoku.se). They have really cool stuff, I will show you photos later! In any case, I have a lot (I mean A LOT) of things to prepare for this weekend, but hopefully it's going to be so much fun!
When I'm back I will continue updating with pictures of crafts. And again, I'm sorry for the silence (but believe me, I had good reasons). And I also want to say THANK YOU for all the kind words about our engagement.