29 June 2006

bird house!

bird house!
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

22 June 2006


earrings, originally uploaded by maria nenita.

I had a crafty evening yesterday when coming home from work ;)

tea time

tea time
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

In a tea bag swap I recieved this from Julie Benge. French vanilla, Boston chocolate and many other. At the moment I'm drinking a peach tea that she sent me.

I'm a tea lover and I'm also fond of boxes for tea. This one I found the other day, it's a recycled box!


Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

21 June 2006

Just to show you ...

3rd prize ~ Beautiful Spy
Originally uploaded by jesthepea.

... one of Jes necklaces.

Jes' shop

Junque Revival's Contest Button
Originally uploaded by jesthepea.

Jes is creating the most beautiful necklaces and now she has opened her shop (+ a contest!). Go and check it out.

19 June 2006

Card ...

Card ...
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

11 June 2006


A book that I found yesterday. I love those illustrations:




Go to flickr for a few more pictures.

10 June 2006

On our balcony

Flowers on our balcony. I don't have as many flowers as last year (of many reasons), but even a few flowers brighten it up a bit :-)


The tea cup is inspired by liquidskyarts miniatures but I want something else instead of the butterfly (because it doesn't fit in there). I'd love to have a mini gnome, an animal ... or something else that is "mini".

Our balcony from the outside:
our balcony

It's tea time :-) It's been a real summer day and now it's a perfect temperature on the balcony. I write a letter, read a little bit in a magazine, drink tea ... tea time

Ia doesn't want tea:


beads, beads

Yesterday when I went home from work I passed by a "bead shop" that one of my co-workers told me about the other day. So, in the evening when I came home I was making some jewelry.
blue necklace detail
brown leaf
summer necklace

07 June 2006

~Roses, violets & periwinkle swap~

Roses, violets & periwinkle swap - recieved
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

What a wonderful and heavenly smelling swap package that was waiting for me when I came home from work! Thank you Dana, I LOVE it!! Go here to see more photos.

06 June 2006

Necklaces for trade

I have so many necklaces. I get new ideas, I make more ... and more ... Most of them I never use because sometimes I want to try out new ideas that aren't really my style. Funny to make, sure, but it'd be better if someone used them. Perhaps some of you have the same "problem" with having too many necklaces laying around? So, what about a trade? One necklace for one necklace. (Or something else.)
#4 is 37 cm so it's not a big one ;)
#3 is 63 cm
#2 is 49 cm

Post a comment here or email me at nenitas@spray.se if you're interested.

Follow the photos links to flickr to see the necklaces more in detail.

necklace for trade #1

necklace for trade #1
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

necklace for trade #2

necklace for trade #2
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

necklace for trade #3

necklace for trade #3
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

necklace for trade #4

necklace for trade #4
Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

*garden dreams*

*garden dreams*, originally uploaded by maria nenita.

I wish I had a garden. It could be just a small garden. But I feel I'm inside too much now when living in a flat on the second floor. Of course, I go out for walks with my dog(s) but it's not like having a garden. I don't go out to have breakfast under the apple tree, Zam (dog) can't run around and play as he wants, I have nowhere to plant the flowers and trees I'd like to have ... Last summer I had flowers and tomatoes and some herbs on our balcony, but this summer I will not have too many things there since I don't know if we will stay here or move. I wish we could rent a flat or a house with a little garden ... And one day, we will. I'm sure.

05 June 2006

Anke's Free Friday

free-friday #2
Originally uploaded by huana - (Anke from Anart Island).

I totally forgot to tell that I was the winner of Anke's Free Friday #2 and those goodies arrived here a couple of days ago. Thank you Anke!! :-)

So, go check out Anke's blog and her Free Fridays!

necklace + dagboksswappen

Originally uploaded by maria nenita.

It seems I have finally finished my studies! Weehoo!

I love the necklace I have on this photo. It's made by my friend Fillan and it's so cool. Something else you can see on this photo: this summer I'll be white as snow. There isn't even a window in the archive where I'm working (of course, because a window - and sunshine - would damage the paper).

Dagboksbytet är "stängt" och jag har skickat ett mejl till alla deltagare. Säg till om du har anmält dig men inte fått mejlet så skickar jag ett nytt! Har du några frågor? Hör av dig! :-)