I made some changes with my blog, I hope it doesn't look too strange now. It's Monday afternoon, Zam is next to me in the sofa, on the table is a cup of tea. Little Ia is in another room, I think she didn't notice when I left. Outside the sky is grey, the weather is cold and boring. But it begun in a beautiful way. I was out on the fields with Ia and Zam just before the sun rise over the tree tops. Everything was frozen, the trees white and covered by ice. We were all alone. Ia didn't want to walk, Zam wanted to run ... so I had to carry one dog and let the other one run free ;-) It was so beautiful when the sun finally came over the tree tops, the fields and the snow bathing in sunlight, the shadows so long and blue and the few colors that were (like the red color of my dog) were so intense. Magical moment. But I didn't have my camera so now I show you some necklaces I made a little more than a week ago.
Det som hamnar i dina händer blir så vackert när du är klar. <3
Det som hamnar i dina händer blir så vackert när du är klar. <3
tack chichi, vilken fin kommentar *kram*
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