03 January 2008

Creative Every Day?

I found a great project through Jes blog called Creative Every Day 2008. I'd love to join, but as I'm getting bigger and more tired for each day I'm not sure how it'll go (the more so since I still work full time). I'll give it a try though :-)

Jes and some other blogging friends asked me about the pregnancy, but I never got around writing any emails (yet). I'm in week 29, only ~11 weeks to go! The baby is supposed to arrive around 25 March. I have no idea whether it's a boy or girl (I want it to be a surprise).

sista dagen v 28


Leah said...

how exciting!! congratulations on your pregnancy!

the ced challenge is really low pressure, so just do what you can, what feels fun and inspiring to you without adding any stress!

maria said...

thank you!