Yes, I did try both knitting and crochet in school when I was about 10-12 ... But back then I prefered being creative with paper, pens and pencils, Fimo. Later I decided to knit a hat, I think I was about 14 then, but I only managed to knit 2 cm before I got bored. It wasn't until I studied in Reykjavík that I fell in love with all the yarn I could find there. Only my first two weeks there I knitted a scarf and a hat! And then another hat, I will remember. After that I felt it was time to try making a traditional Icelandic jumper - a lopapeysa! I went to a knitting café every Monday evening to have a cup of tea and knit. (Oh, I miss it!!) Since then I haven't been knitting so much so I still consider myself being a beginner, not knowing how to read a description properly.
My crochet history begun two days ago (let's forget about school, please). I decided it was time to learn! Trying and trying I finally understood the basics and made a little bag for my camera. It's so ugly I don't want to show you it *grin*, but for me it still has some kind of charm, like things you did when you were a child ... eh, well, except for that I'm to be 25 soon ... Then I tried making a bracelet. It did turn out a little better, so, there's hope for my crochet future!! :D
This was my first try making this blog in English ... It's a bit difficult, not knowing so many "crafty words" in English. Well, I'll learn that too ;)