So, busy with my studies and forbidden to create stuff I always tend to come up with interesting ideas I want to try out ... (How is it possible not to think of creating?!)
Well, here's the deal:
You send me an email, or write a comment here with your contact info, to sign up for this. Do it some time before 30 September, but the sooner you sign up the sooner you'll get the material. I will send you some craft material - it can be anything from fabric, fibers and ribbons to polymer clay, beads, stamps and paper - or a mix of a little of everything. (Do tell me if there is some kind of material you really don't like and I'll not send it.) The challenge is to come up with something out of this material, but you can mix it with/use also your own crafting stuff and materials if you want to.
Send what you made back to me. Of course I will create a gallery with photos of what everyone made. Last sending day will be 1 November. If there is material you don't use you'll keep it by yourself, of course. Included with the material (or perhaps once the project is over?) I'll send you a little gift, however just a small thing.
Both beginners and experienced crafters are welcome to participate!
Questions? Just ask! :-)
So, sounds interesting? Comment here or email me at astrud242004 [at]
Let's have fun!! :D